The album: "Since You Went Away"
The catalog number: #201701
The date: 2017-12-01 (just in time for Christmas!)
The Inspiration: "The Quest for More Money"
The story: ....
— Album Staff —
Lead Vocals: Dave Murphy
Guitars & Vocals: Bob Chance
Additional Vocals: Mel Blanc
Keyboards: Bob Chance
Bass: Donald "Duck" Dunn
Percussion: Dave "Boom Boom" Murphy
Cow Bell: Charlie Shiranui
Album Art: Heywood Jahelpme
CD Mastering: Bob Chance
Recorded at: Hot Mix Records Studios (Buena Park, CA)
Technical Advisor: Ai Vy Shiranui
Mascot: Hand Maid May
Train Leaving For: Anaheim, Asuza, And Cucamonga

This album was a labor of love. As it was my first solo album (but not my first time in the recording studio), I was both excited and nervous while I pieced this album together. It started slowly, as I adapted to splitting my schedule between my "day jobs" (yes, plural) and my studio time. Once I got into a rhythm, it started to roll along more smoothly.

Recording lasted from August, 2015 until August, 2017 (two whole years!). To give you an idea how this all came together, here is a list of when I recorded each song (with its corresponding album order):

  1. 2015-08-01: (Track #01) Dial My Number
  2. 2015-11-10: (Track #02) You Just May Be the One
  3. 2016-03-28: (Track #03) Since You Went Away
  4. 2016-04-04: (Track #13) Hold On
  5. 2016-06-15: (Track #04) Ain't No Sunshine
  6. 2016-07-01: (Track #05) Stuck in the Middle with You
  7. 2017-02-25: (Track #06) Crazy Over You
  8. 2017-05-16: (Track #07) Leftovers
  9. 2017-06-01: (Track #08) She Got the Gold Mine, I Got the Shaft
  10. 2017-06-16: (Track #09) I Sent My Heart C.o.D.; It Was Returned (Postage Due)
  11. 2017-07-01: (Track #10) Suspenders
  12. 2017-07-16: (Track #11) Old Road, New Car
  13. 2017-08-01: (Track #12) Head Held High

Each song then took anywhere from two to ten days to finalize. Some times, the recording session was just laying down vocals (melody and harmonies) while the instrumentation would come later; other times, I could put all the lines together in one session.

It was a lot of fun putting this project together. A good majority of it has been in my head for years, waiting for a cohesive theme to bring it all out. Now that it came together, I'm pleased with the end result.

I hope you will be, too.